
When you're outdoors, light and easily portable accessories are a must. For bird watching or nature observation, hiking or even a day at the races, you need convenient equipment that's not going to weigh you down. Compact binoculars are one answer to the requirements of every outdoor enthusiast who needs to travel light.

For most people, of course, traveling light with binoculars means the ability to slip them into a pocket -- or at least to be able to fit them into a carry-on bag. And where size is a factor, it's important to maximize the optical efficiency of your equipment.

Since compact binoculars will usually have smaller objective lenses than larger sized models, an element of compromise is inevitable: smaller lenses collect less light. That's why the quality of the optics matters in compact equipment. It's a truism that 'you get what you pay for' -- so check out the quality of details such as the glass used in lenses and prisms and anti-reflection coatings, alongside other useful features like waterproofing and exterior finish.

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Compacts can be especially practical if your hobby doesn't call for long-distance viewing. If you wish to do your birding in relatively good light and in close conditions, larger binoculars may not required. They can also serve well as theater glasses or for use in smaller sporting venues.

Small, lightweight binoculars are ideal for young children and those who are just starting on an outdoor hobby like birdwatching. Once a beginner has acquired experience in using their equipment in the field, it's easier to make a wise choice about a longer-term investment.

Even if you regularly use a full-sized pair of binoculars, there will probably come a time when a smaller version proves useful. If you're out on a Sunday afternoon walk, it's easy to slip a compact pair into a coat pocket or purse, just in case you come across something interesting that merits a closer look.

Did you absent-mindedly leave your full-size pair at home -- or did you need to send them to the repair shop$%: Your handy compact alternative will serve as a back-up for those times when your regular binos just aren't to hand.

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