Want to be rich, super wealthy or for the moment just get out of debt$%: The idea of 5 jam jars bringing untold wealth to the person who uses it seems, well a bit crazy. But it has been done this way for thousands of years. You need to remember some people have been in debt and others wealthy since there have been people on the earth. Before computers, cell phones, satellite banking, people where financially in the same positions we are now.
Why jam jars then$%: It works and it has worked since jars were invented. For some people the super high-tech way to get out of debt and into wealth works great, but the majority of poor people are much like I was. I barely passed school, we could not afford a computer or accountant, I spent every penny I had and then some. Luckily I came upon the jam jar way to wealth and it has worked great for me. Here it is.
There are a few versions to how it works but the way I do it is this. I have five jam jars, and yes any five containers will do, into which I split up my paycheck. The jars each go to pay for a certain type of investment and expense in my life. If the jar is empty then I am not able to have any of those expenses until there is some money in that jar.
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Here are the categories, the first and most important jar in your life is, your golden goose jar, this jar gets 10% of all monies you get. This is money you are going to invest for your future passive income structures. Like an excellent stock portfolio, some real estate, businesses, anything that after careful research you are over 99% sure will make you money. You see one day you do want to stop working. If that is the case you will need something to pay you. That thing is your golden goose, the sooner you start the sooner you can stop working.
The second jar in any order is: Expenses, it gets 55%. Fun, fun, fun jar, it gets 10%. Education, it gets 10%. Large expenses, it gets 10%. Charity gets 5%. Here is how it works, your normally monthly expenses comes from the expense jar. If you have some larger expenses, like a new stove or a car, you save and then use the large expense jar. The education jar goes to educating you on any subject you want, it can be music or languages, however in the beginning I would use it on learning about whatever investments you are planning on doing. Charity, any charity you want to support, give 5% of your pay to it and 5% of your time to it, every wealthy person I know does this.
The best jar is the Fun, fun, fun jar. This 10% is to be spent within three months of depositing it to the jar. For some of us it will not be nearly enough and others it will be the first time in their lives they have been forced to spend money for just "fun". This was a very important jar for me, as my way to wealth was to work really hard, make a lot of money and do not spend anything. Well I got a lot of money and had no skills in how to enjoy it. It is important to enjoy the ride along the way too.
I started the jars with 10 other couples, my wife and I are the only wealthy ones and yes we are the only ones that still do the jars. It may not be the only reason we have been successful but it certainly is a major reason.