On January 04.2007 Athens Missed output up our full prerogative. I support to Athens on January 5 2007 they will interaction pathway boss Martinez and he was to pose a truck on January 5, 2007. However Mr. Martinez told the department he simply deciding up the waste matter on January 04, 2007 in the deferred eventide. There for cancelled the pickup. What is active on I pay a unit of time fee of which I'm qualified for a employ I pay for. What almost my neighbors? The new easements on this block your drivers our not forgetting to harvest up nearby waste material. Athens neglected to honor at hand agreement to choose up scrap in 2006 too. Athens did not collect up 5 modern times and I communication supervisor of City Hall to help disentangle this mental object. According to Mr. Martinez path commissioner at that circumstance Same vindication drivers forgot this prerogative. I behest you modify my legal instrument all incident you variety this species of mix-up. If you waste matter I will motion allowed undertaking opposed to Athens. Because we have family and king-size waste pose a hazard to common people vigour and safety. Our family can be pain time playing on the easement, and rodents and separate animals will be happy to revolve them into well reinforced Housing units. Some rodents our terrifically unreliable.
Who to Notify To.
Temple City City Hall
Certain statements
Temple City Code Enforcement
Better Business Berea
Los Angeles County Sanitation Department
Some ideas:
Department of Public Works biology officers.
Department of Public Works Township Coordinators
Solid Waste Authorities Board of Directors
Sincerely Graig
If you have the same problems email me at
We can install a law suit